B o r g o B a c c i l e

Our history

The history of Borgo Baccile by Vini Fantini is lost in time. My father Valentino told me that the houses had been built by our ancestors at the end of the '700.

Resort & Winery

Surrounded by the colours and smell of the vineyards of Abruzzo stands Borgo baccile by Vini Fantini, refined and welcoming, constructed from the careful restoration of rural residences where you can breathe the history of a family that has lived here for generations.

from €320

150 m2 2-4 person

For those who love to admire nature’s sceneries.

from €280

80 m2 1-4 person

For those who wish to live in the past but with modern comfort.

from €180

37 m2 1-2 person

For those who would like to take everything on holiday, including the kitchen.

Emotions to remember?

Let us help you to make your big day unique and unforgettable…


Abruzzo is the green of the hills, the blue of the sea and the white of the mountains... all within an hour's drive!

The big Borgo Baccile family is expanding. Today we welcome little Pasqualino! __ Ph @danielegeniola @ Borgo Baccile by Vini Fantini

A few kilometers from Crecchio we can admire one of the most beautiful stretches of coastline of the Mediterranean, “la Costa dei Trabocchi&#

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